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Become Wholesaler

Human Rights Statement

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets out the minimum standards that are necessary for individuals to live with dignity. The responsibility of business to uphold and support the rights of every individual is set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. UNOUNOMALL.CO.ZA are committed to ensuring our employees, business partners and communities that support our supply chain are treated with dignity and respect.

We strive to ensure that our products and services are produced in a way that respects internationally recognized human rights.

Our approach

Our businesses are premised on being the most customer-centric e-commerce destination with the ability to delight customers with amazing products, services and customer service. In addition to our indirect impact across the communities in which we operate, our direct impact extends to:

Our workforce

We unequivocally respect the human rights and protect the fundamental dignity of our workforce. We are committed to providing a respectful, safe and secure environment that is free from any form of human rights abuses. We expect everyone to behave in a way that supports this commitment wherever they work, and in all situations directly related to work.


Mindful of the opportunity that we have to influence our supply chain partners through our supplier and purchase decisions, we expect a commitment compatible with our own, to minimum human rights standards by companies who seek to qualify to do business with us.

Our commitment

Our commitment to Human Rights is guided by key international standards, namely, the UN Guiding Principles, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Global Compact. Our internal policies clearly define our approach to fair employment, health and safety, privacy and employee confidentiality.

We are committed to complying with applicable laws and to respect internationally recognised human rights, wherever we do business. Guided by the UN Global Compact, in the rare situation that national law conflicts with international standards, we comply with national law and seek ways to respect the principles of internationally recognised human rights.

In order to give effect to our commitment, we undertake to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts. In this regard, we are continuously working to improve our approach. Our every business is tasked with deploying a variety of mechanisms to help inspect our business and make informed decisions at various points in the fulfilment of our day-to-day operations. Our employees review the performance and impact of our own programs and inspect activity in our supply chain.

We are aware that there is more to do. As a result, we committed to widening our perspective to better understand the potential human rights impacts of our business. Our workforce We have set out our approach to respecting and promoting principles that safeguard the rights of our workforce including the categories defined by the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work which include,

  • • Fair employment, free from discrimination
  • • Dignity at work
  • • Privacy & employee confidentiality
  • • Zero tolerance on forced labour, including human trafficking
  • • Zero tolerance on child labour
  • • Equal Opportunity
  • • Health & safety
  • • Fair remuneration
  • • Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Governance, monitoring, reporting and accountability Our internal governance structures oversee and are responsible for sustainability, including discharging our responsibilities to Human Rights. Action will be taken to investigate any reported violations and based on the outcome of the investigation appropriate remediation measures will be taken within our governance framework including those set out in our internal policies